Procurement frameworks

Dignio is on a number of Procurement Frameworks in the UK, including the Health Systems Support Framework (HSSF), Crown Commercial Services Spark Digital Procurement Services (DPS) and The Health & Social Care Apps Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS).

Dignio is a trusted supplier to the NHS and healthcare organisations across multiple countries. We adhere to the strictest of market standards to ensure our customers we deliver products with the highest integrity.

Contact us if you want more information about our solution or how to proceed with procurement.

Dignio is on a number of Procurement Frameworks in the UK, which include:

Health Systems Support Framework (HSSF) - link

Crown Commercial Services Spark Digital Procurement Services (DPS) - link

The Health & Social Care Apps Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) (ORCHA Assessed and approved) - link

  • Dignio's Information Security

    We are committed to complying with all applicable data protection regulations and state of the art security standards.

  • Medical Device Regulatory

    The Dignio Connected Care software platform is CE certified as a medical device in the EU/EEA, pursuant to the Medical Devices Regulation (MDR).

  • Technology

    We deliver a generic, novel and highly flexible platform with a wide range of applications, based on open architecture and standard protocols.

  • Integrated devices

    Dignio is hardware agnostic, and have integrated more than 20+ medical devices from high-quality vendors.

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